CII and Management Team kindly announce to shareholders and investors our 2015 Annual Report. In 2015, CII has achieved very positive business results. Consolidated income reached 1,750 billion dong, in which 1,030 billion dong comes from financial income; consolidated profit after tax reached 791.6 billion dong; and unconsolidated profit after tax from CII Holdings reached 624.6 billion dong. Undistributed profit after tax reached 809 billion dong.
Annual Report 2015 also presents the prominent financial activities that CII has conducted, such as the successful transfer of 30 LGC (CII B&R) shares to MPTC, which has brought significant profits to CII in 2015. CII also successfully purchased 3,974,780 SII (Saigon Water) shares, representing 55.94% SII ownership. CII B&R also successfully converted 1,200 convertible bonds, reducing CII’s ownership of SII to 81.51%.
Toll collection activities in 2015 have resulted in 592 billion dong in income, marking an 8.4% increase compared to 2014 and constituting 20% CII’s overall revenue.
With regards to fundraising activities, to prepare sufficient funding for Ha Noi Highways Expansion Project, which has had its total investment capital increased to 3,822 billion dong, CII continued to sign credit contract appendixes with Vietinbank Branch 11, increasing credit limit to 4,184.2 billion dong. In the meanwhile, to fundraise for the project to develop infrastructure in the Northern Residential Area and complete the North-South Axis Road in Thu Thiem New Urban Township, CII has signed credit contract with BIDV, at the credit limit of 2,000 billion dong. Thus, CII’s total bank loans by 31/12/2015 are 5,832.69 billion dong, increasing 113.07% compared to the beginning of the year. Within that, short-term loans are 500.38 billion dong (versus 258.97 billion dong at the beginning of the year) and long-term loans are 5,332.3 billion dong (versus 2,478.49 billion dong at the beginning of the year).
Furthermore, to fulfill investment needs for existing and pipeline projects, apart from bank loans, CII also focuses on fundraising from corporate bonds. Some prominent examples are the issuance of 1,020 billion dong of CII B&R convertible bonds to MPTC and the issuance of 462.851 billion dong of corporate bonds to VIAC (no.1) Limited Partnership. CII has also bought back before due 391 billion dong of bonds previously issued to Vietinbank Branch 11 HCMC (used for development investment in Saigon Bridge 2); meanwhile converting 328,645 billion dong of convertible bonds for Goldman Sachs, and 80,514 billion dong of CII41401 convertible bonds (issued on 23/06/2014).
The report also includes information on CII’s investment and projects development activities in 2015, as well as information on business activities and business results of CII’s member companies CII B&R, Saigon Water, CII Service, CII E&C.
Read Annual Report here