Business Results page is where all CII’s latest reports on operations and business results can be found. You can also access latest reports by subscribing to CII’s email list or like CII’s Facebook Fan page.

Financial statement of Parent company
The financial statements are annual and quarterly consolidated reports on assets value, owner equity, liabilities, and business results. In other words, these reports are the means for CII to convey the company’s financial situation and profitability potential.
Past financial statement of parent company:
- 2015 
- 2014 
- 2013 
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
Consolidated financial statement
The consolidated financial statement is written reports on the results of CII and member companies’ business operations and projects’ progresses. It also include announcements on future business plans.
Past consolidated financial statement:
Prospectuses are publications on CII that are widely distributed to the public and relevant authorities on shares issuance, fundraising activities, and new listings of subsidiaries.
Prospectus that has been issued by CII:
Annual report
Annual reports are written reports to deliver information on CII’s business activities, earnings and related activities during the year, as well as CII’s next year business plan, forecasted profit and growth.
Past annual report:
- 2015 
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009