On 30/05/2016, Forbes Vietnam announced the list of 50 best listed companies (Vietnam Forbes 50). This is the fourth time Forbes Vietnam announced this list in Vietnam and this is also the second consecutive time that CII was elected into the list. Forbes 50 selects...
CII establisehd Elevated Road No.1 Investment Ltd. On 30/05/2016, CII BOD has issued Resolution No. 117/NQ-HDQT (NK 2012-2017), according to which, CII BOD approved the decision to establish Elevated Road No. 1 Company Ltd. CII’s contribution to the new entity’s chartered capital is 80%.
On 22/04/2016, CII has received announcement from HCMC Department of Planning and Investment regarding teh completion of the transfer of all of CII’s ownership in Truong Nhuan Phat Ltd. (TTP). Hence, from 20/04/2016, TTP is no longer a CII’s subsidiary or associated company.
On 15/04/2016, CII has received Resolution No. 1984/QĐ-UBND from Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee regarding the transfer and leasing of land related to Thu Thiem Infrastructure Development BT Project. Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee transfers to CII 90.078,3 m2 land dedicated to long-term...
On 29/03/2016, CII has received questions from shareholders through Facebook regarding the company’s recent purchase of treasury shares. CII would like to answer these questions as follow: 1.Based on what grounds does CII decide on the purchasing price of 25.300 dong / share This decision...
On 28/03/2016, CII has completed the conversion of 491,275 billion dong of the First Tranche Convertible Bonds to 27,293,055 shares of CII B&R (HOSE: LGC) to Metro Pacific Tollway Corporation (MPTC) and completed the conversion of ownership from Vietnam Stock Exchange Custody Center (not depend...
In the morning of 14/03/2016, CII has sucessfully organized the panel discussion with shareholders and investors with the topic: “Solid foundation, solid growth” At the panel discussion, CEO Le Quoc Binh shared information regarding the Company’s business results, growth strategy, and introduced a new financial...